Elaine Henry-Hackman
Elaine has been involved in the Centre for many years and is currently the Centre Manager.
She sat her first exam in November 2005 and successfully passed to qualify as a BET Ride Leader (TRSS Senior Ride Leader equivalent). She then went on to gain her TRSS Centre Operator in March 2007. In March 2008 she attained her SVQ Level 3 with Coaching option.
She is also a dedicated Parelli Student and has attained her complete Level 1 in Natural Horsemanship plus her Level 2 Online so far.
Christy Matheson
Christy joined us in August 2010 as Assistant Ride Leader.
She had already passed her First Aid and sat her Riding and Road Safety test, plus successfully completed her SVQ Level 2 with Schooling Option.
In November 2010 she completed her SVQ Level 3 also with schooling option.
In July 2011 she sat her TRSS Ride Leader exam and was thrilled to be awarded the next level up, TRSS Senior Ride Leader, instead.
Christy takes out all types of rides at the Centre plus teaches the lessons in the arena.
Christy owns two horses - “Puzzle” and “Weaver”; and is rarely seen without her mad puppy “Milo”