Spring Programme 2012

As of 1st April 2012 the ponies will be back in full time work and we will offer lessons, starter treks, walking treks and weenie rides.
Fast hacks and beach hacks should be up and running by the end of May and will be subject to weather/footing for the ponies and customers safety.
We will continue with our Natural Horsemanship events on a monthly basis plus are considering offering some of the ponies on loan to Natural horsemanship students. The ponies will remain on the Yard but will be available for the student to use for however many days per week they wish. Ask us for details :)
Fast hacks and beach hacks should be up and running by the end of May and will be subject to weather/footing for the ponies and customers safety.
We will continue with our Natural Horsemanship events on a monthly basis plus are considering offering some of the ponies on loan to Natural horsemanship students. The ponies will remain on the Yard but will be available for the student to use for however many days per week they wish. Ask us for details :)